Prudence was honored to be asked to design the decor for Everyday Health’s THE DAILY GLOW AWARD WINNERS RECOGNIZING THE MOST INNOVATIVE BEAUTY PRODUCTS OF 2012 at The Standard Hotel.
The Daily Glow Award is the beauty equivalent of an Oscar with judging done by a panel of industry peers of medical doctors, cosmetic chemists, top hair and makeup stylists, and new this year, Daily Glow added a holistic plastic surgeon to the judging panel. Products of all price ranges––found in drugstore aisles, department store makeup counters to physician and specialist’s formulations––are celebrated within five categories: Skin (face/body/anti-aging), Hair, Makeup, Big Breakthroughs and Beauty Insiders’ Picks.
Using the event’s branding for inspiration, Prudence created grand arrangements of hot pink floral garlands to appear as if the flowers were “raining from the sky”.